An urgent warning for men and women over 35...
“Why Exercise WILL Hurt Your Fat Loss…
…Unless You Use This 45-Second Trick!”
If you are doing any of these current exercises, please STOP them immediately!!!
They are most likely either hurting your chances at fat loss, damaging your metabolism or aging you prematurely.
- Cardio - Running, cycling, or doing aerobics for hours on end not only drives up your stress and hunger hormones, but it does very little to burn fat... even worse, it makes your muscles saggy.
- Weight Lifting - If you are trying to become the next Mr. or Mrs. Olympia, great, but beware, most strength routines just make you look bulkier -- like putting a sweater on under a coat!
- Interval Training - This is a step in the right direction in terms of fat burning, but what if you are 40, 50 or 60? Do you REALLY see yourself doing these crazy high intensity routines?
- CrossFit - There's a reason why CrossFit is an orthopedic surgeon's best friend - TONS of injuries! Done correctly, it CAN be great, but most don't and that's when injuries to shoulders, knees and lower back can happen.
- Yoga - Overall fantastic at coordination, flexibility and functional strength, but for the tremendous amount of time put in, not the best when it comes to fat burning.
The sad reality is that each of these exercises while having some good qualities -- fun in some cases, challenging in others, and relaxing in others - really are quite poor at generating fat loss, especially for women and men over 35.
Fortunately, there's a new type of intelligent metabolic exercise that's recently been developed that helps light a fire to your metabolism, burn fat AND improve muscle tone, resulting in a very attractive body shape, regardless of your age.
The best part is that it also has a VERY powerful anti-inflammatory effect, which is crucial to protecting yourself from the ravages of aging, from wrinkled skin and from those aches and pains that have set in.
Before I get to that, though, let's take a closer look at why...
Traditional Exercise Only Make You FATTER!

That's right. You see, most people suffer the pain, strain and BOREDOM of regular exercise in the belief it will burn OFF more calories than they take in.
What they do NOT realize is it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to burn a significant amount of calories with exercise UNLESS you're an Olympic swimmer!
In fact, you'd be LUCKY to burn off a pathetic 400 calories during a FULL hour of a GRUELING, monotonous aerobics session.
That's BARELY enough to burn off the Starbucks coffee you had that morning -- so at best, you're really JUST spinning your wheels.
And even then... you just end up with an appetite that's through the roof, making sure those calories are piled right BACK on in one bite of a low-fat bran muffin!
The Truth Is Normal Exercise Doesn't Burn Fat...
It Burns Muscle and Instead...

And that's ESPECIALLY true if your metabolism isn't primed and ready.
WARNING: Exercising BEFORE your metabolism is ready can lead to what I call &skinny fat' – flappy arms, a double chin, a pudgy belly and a sagging butt.
I am sure you've seen these people in the gym -- cycling like crazy, jumping all over the place, but all either out of shape or with the "skinny fat" syndrome.
Of course, with the right nutrition plan, you can be SURE your metabolism is primed and ready for the fat burning benefits that the RIGHT type of exercise can deliver.
So what IS the right type of exercise that will shape, tone and tighten muscles, ramp up my metabolism, burn fat AND fight aging?
Introducing a Quick and Easy 45-Second Exercise
That Will Strip Off Stubborn Fat, Tone
Flabby Muscles and Slow the Aging Process...

The magic lies in something called “metabolic rest training” or MRT.
The more you REST, the more fat you BURN and the more you SHAPE your muscles!!! Yes – it really IS as good as it sounds!
With MRT, it's not what happens DURING the workout that matters, it's what happens AFTER.
The big secret is to workout in a way that triggers massive fat loss for up to 72 hours AFTER the workout...
It's also SUPER simple – NO equipment, NO weights, NO gym – all you need is your own bodyweight!
Not only that, MRT is purposely designed so that ANYBODY can do it, regardless of their age or fitness level.
But the BEST part?
15 minutes, 3 Time a Week
That's ALL it Takes...

MRT uses INTELLIGENT exercise – scientifically designed to generate the MOST fat burning and muscle shaping in the LEAST time... so LESS is needed.
That's ONLY 45 minutes of your ENTIRE week – less than it takes most people to drive to work!
That adds up to TONS of extra time with your family, reading a book and having fun instead of being STUCK at the gym for hours.
Let's face it... 99% of exercise programs are HORRIBLY unrealistic – they are TOO long, TOO hard, TOO complicated... and worse, they just DO NOT WORK.
But that's ALL about to change... allow me to introduce...
“Metabolic Aftershock™!”...
A State-of-the-Art Metabolic Re-Conditioning Program that
Burns Fat for Up to 3-4 Days AFTER Your Workouts...

Yes... just 15 minutes a day gives you a fat-melting payoff that lasts for DAYS.
The magic that happens DURING those quick-and-easy 15 minutes creates a metabolic earthquake that triggers fat burning aftershocks that last for DAYS.
That's when your body recovers, repairs and adapts to the metabolic challenge from the workout.
This upgrades your body's ability to burn fat, not just DURING and in the 3-4 days after your workouts... but for LONG after.
Like while you are at work, or at home on the couch... and ESPECIALLY while you are sleeping.
So how does it work exactly? Well, there are...
The 3 Phases to Accelerated
Fat Burning and Muscle Shaping...
Metabolic Aftershock™ is designed to keep you totally motivated by changing up the
workouts each time as you progress through 3 phases.
That's really where this program shines compared to the usual boring, monotonous and motivation-KILLING exercise programs.
Each of these 3 phases is specifically sequenced to PRIME your metabolism and get it ready for its ULTIMATE fat burning capacity:
Phase #1: Create the Spark
Phase 1 provides the spark to REAWAKEN your sleeping metabolism.Think of this phase like upgrading your metabolic spark plugs that bring your metabolic engine alive.
You get...

- Full body movements that develop your fitness levels, producing QUICK adaptations towards coordination AND balance...
- A whole-body metabolic stimulus that IGNITES fat burning and muscle shaping in a way isolated exercises simply CANNOT achieve...
- And special “metabolic finishers” that naturally elevate growth hormone – the fat-burning, skin-tightening hormone of our youth...
Phase #2: Light the Fire
Ok, get ready to turn UP the metabolic heat in Phase 2, that will crank UP your fat burning to the next level. It also has a special emphasis on toning, tightening and shaping muscle – something that becomes INCREASINGLY difficult as you age.

- Special exercises called rep chains that that tell your metabolism to build the infrastructure to BURN fat and SHAPE muscle...
- A flood of special muscle molecules (myokines) that build blood vessels and mitochondria – all pieces of an enhanced fat burning metabolic infrastructure.
- A special movement emphasized in each workout that delivers an extra punch of toning, tightening and shaping to your muscles.
Phase #3: Fan the Flames
Ok, this final phase is like dumping GASOLINE on the metabolic fire you started in phase 2. Here you'll most visibly see AND feel the results of the exercise – as the outlines of your muscles start to appear, your pants start fitting looser and your mind becomes sharper.
You get...

- A series of exercises called "metabolic chains" designed to RIP APART fat at a frantic rate, while at the SAME time firming and tightening muscles...
- A strong boost in your catecholamines, which ARE the hormones responsible for burning fat...
- A combination of full body movements that creates so much HEAT, so much SWEAT, so much calorie BURN, you'll almost swear you'll see the difference the NEXT day.
I Am Too Old...I Am Too Out of Shape... Hogwash!

Each exercise is only a TINY 45 seconds with the ENTIRE routine taking ONLY 15 minutes.
It's literally over BEFORE you know it, but man, does it work!
What's more, Metabolic Aftershock™ is designed to overcome ALL the reasons SO many people HATE to exercise...
- You DON'T need ANY expensive equipment...
- You DON'T have to LUG yourself to the gym...
- You DON'T need to wait months for results, they happen FAST...
- You DON'T have to worry about injuries since there are NO weights...
In fact, the older and more out of shape you are, the QUICKER you'll experience the fat-BURNING, energy-BOOSTING, age-FIGHTING benefits.
This is ALL possible due to the strategic use of REST that allows you to customize the workouts based on your OWN ability!
The Genius Behind Metabolic Aftershock™...

Dr. Jade Teta
- BS in Biochemistry
- Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine
- Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
- Personal Trainer for 25 years
- Over 10,000 Personal Training Sessions
- Inventor of Rest-Best Training
Let me introduce Dr. Jade Teta.
He created Metabolic Aftershock™ after listening to 25 YEARS of feedback from THOUSANDS of real people.
Dr. Teta runs a metabolic clinic in North Carolina and has seen FIRST HAND exactly the type of exercise that gets REAL results... and fast.
His clinic works with people who have a damaged metabolism... who CAN'T burn off fat no matter WHAT they try.
Dr. Teta has seen it ALL and has been there to help each person repair the metabolic damage.
He started designing routines at the age of 15, completing over 10,000 workouts in the next 25 years with clients ranging from elite athletes to the elderly.
And he invented Rest-Based Training, perfecting it over the years, teaching thousands of people how to get fat loss results they NEVER dreamed possible.
And when you combine it with a well-designed nutrition plan, you have an incredible “1-2 punch” that puts your metabolism in OVERDRIVE, that gets you looking good, feeling GREAT and in fantastic shape.
How to Get Dr. Teta's Metabolic Expertise
at a Fraction of the Price...

Sure, you COULD hire Jade to teach his metabolic re-conditioning system to you in person, but that would cost $400 PER HOUR minimum.
His typical client sees him twice a month for at least 3 months, but sometimes as long as 15 months. So that's anywhere from $1,200 -$6,000 or more that it would cost to get his personal attention.
And that's IF you could get an appointment -- he can only see 25 clients in any one month and he's booked solid for MONTHS.
So instead of saving up a TON of cash, waiting FOREVER for an appointment and then packing your bags, you can enjoy this same cutting edge metabolic re-conditioning on your OWN terms...
...exactly WHEN you want, in the comfort of your OWN home, and at a FRACTION of this price.
As you can see below, Metabolic Aftershock™ is a 4-DVD set worth at least $197. And it's a STEAL at that price.
However, because you're a part of the The Sherpa family now, I've got a very special, one-time offer for you in just a sec.
What's Included in the
Metabolic Aftershock™ DVD Set...

3 Exercise DVDs
Each DVD contains 3 different 15 minute workouts giving you a total of 9 high-energy, fast-paced, fun, fat-burning sessions. The electrifying music keeps it fast and fun!
Value $197

Bonus #1: One-on-one with Dr. Teta
Step inside Dr. Teta's world as he exposes why other exercise programs damage your metabolism and shares advanced power-tips and tricks from the program.
Value $27

Bonus #2: Metabolic Aftershock™ Manual
Discover why this type of rest-based training works so well. Deep-dive into the surprising science about how the program triggers the powerful cascade of hormones that burn fat and shape muscle.
Value $67

Bonus #3: Quick Start Guide
Short on time? No problem, just follow this simple 1-page “cheat sheet” to get you burning fat and shaping muscle in no time flat!
Value $17

Plus: Bonus Burnout Session
Enjoy the bonus "burnout" session in each DVD that burns even MORE fat. It works by "mopping up" the fatty acids you release during the main workout, ensuring they don't end up BACK where they came from… in your fat cells!
Value $27

Here's Your Special Exclusive Discount...
But because you are now part of The Sherpa family...'re not going to pay $335.
You won't have to pay $300 either. Or $200... not even $100.
Add Metabolic Aftershock™ to your order today and get the 3 DVD set, PLUS the 3 bonuses, PLUS the bonus workouts for just $77.
That's a whopping 77% discount off of the real value at $335.

Oh, and you are STILL covered by our rock-solid 60-day money back guarantee, so there's absolutely NO risk to you whatsoever...
If you're not surprised how exercise suddenly becomes FUN – maybe for FIRST time ever… if you're not blown away by the POWERFUL metabolic change that allow you to burn off fat even while you're resting...
Simply drop me a line for a full, no questions asked refund. Our helpful customer service staff is available 24 X 7 via phone or email.
And don't forget that the BuySafe triple-purchase guarantee applies to this as well, so that's 3 EXTRA layers of purchase protection you'll get.
I KNOW these short, power-packed workouts can change your life – not just stripping off your fat but exploding your energy and injecting you with rock-solid confidence and self-esteem.
So hit the button below right now to add Metabolic Aftershock to your order.
Warning: This Special Discounted Offer Won't Be Available for
Long, So If You Click Away, It Could Be Gone Forever...