But There is One Other CRUCIAL Way that Can
Boost Your Fat Loss Results by 50% or More...
I’m talking about exercise --- but NOT what you think.
I'm NOT talking about the typical long, boring, useless exercises you dread that just waste your time without getting any results.
And definitely NOT the type that makes you burn up an hour a day at some ungodly hour at the gym or in spin classes.
OR doing those crazy “insane” workout programs that seem to be the rage these days (that just get you injured!).
Instead, I’m talking about a very specific (and somewhat counter-intuitive) type of exercise designed precisely for YOUR metabolic type to get your fat burning engines firing to the max.
It's called “intelligent exercise.” And it’s designed specifically to set your particular, unique metabolism on fire.
Takes 90% LESS Time than Traditional Workouts...
Best of all, it takes 90% LESS time than traditional workouts, while giving you DOUBLE the fat loss results.
So if you’ve been avoiding exercise because you thought it was too much of a hassle, weren't motivated enough or just didn't get the results you wanted from it…
This program may well be the answer you've been looking for.
Because unbelievable as it may seem, ll it takes is 15 minutes a day, just three times a week.
And it can be done by almost anyone – young or old, in shape or struggling, even if you have physical limitations.
In fact, one of the best parts about it is that you actually get to REST whenever you like for as long as you like!
Exercise Can BACKFIRE – and Make You GAIN Fat!
Now if you’re ARE already exercising, that’s great.
But unless you’re doing it in the way I’m about to show you, not only is it not going to give you the results you’re looking for...
It could actually backfire, forcing you to GAIN fat instead of LOSE it.
It could even – as I’ll show you – be jeopardizing your health.
Instead, intelligent exercise ignites a fat-burning metabolic fire so white hot it rages for up to 48 hours after your workout.
That’s how this better, revolutionary type of exercise can give you such amazing see-it-and-feel-it RESULTS.
It’s how it can give them to you so incredibly quickly – without spending hours and hours running, or slaving away on a treadmill, elliptical machine or bicycle.
And it's how it can keep you MOTIVATED not just to GET into shape, but to STAY in shape in the months and years ahead.
Of course, it’s all based both on the latest, cutting-edge scientific research, as well as on my first-hand results with thousands of patients that I’ve worked and carefully monitored over the last two decades.
But before I tell you about this revolutionary program that can DOUBLE your fat-burning, muscle-shaping, youth-enhancing results…
In a whopping 90% LESS time than regular exercise…
Because it takes into account your unique metabolic and fitness profile…
You first need to know the three huge myths most people fall for when it comes to exercise, that cause it to FAIL to deliver the results you’re looking for.
In fact, these big mistakes could actually be the REASON why your body is hanging on to all that stubborn flab…
Or worse, actually causing you to get fatter AND aging you faster. Probably the exact opposite of the exercise goals you had in mind.
A VERY Embarrassing Story…
Now I have to tell you a little story. And quite frankly... it's a little... well... embarrassing.
But it’s important that you hear it, so you can understand how this slightly unusual program came about, why it’s working so well for people ad why those big mistakes I mentioned can often have a NEGATIVE effect on fitness.
I’ve been a health and fitness junkie since I was a kid. By the time I was 15, I was a personal trainer.
As I gained more and more experience over the years, I noticed something interesting:
The amount of effort people put into the gym didn’t match up with the results they were getting in their bodies and their health.
I would see all these people who claimed to eat like birds and work out like crazy. Yet their bodies STILL looked out of shape.
And I could see that they felt like crap and had no energy. At best, they looked “skinny fat” – with flappy arms, a pudgy belly and a sagging butt. Not toned or tightened at all.
The problems were more obvious in women than men…
But it really hit those over 35 the hardest! They already looked like their best years were behind them.
I thought maybe they were cheating on their diets or skipping workouts.
But I was wrong. They were in fact watching their calories like a hawk. And far from skipping workouts, it seemed like they couldn’t get enough of them.
This really had me scratching my head!
But after a lot of digging – from talking to some of the world's leading exercise physiologists to doing some very technical research… I finally uncovered what was REALLY going on.
The 3 Big Exercise Mistakes Nearly
Everyone Makes (Even Trainers!)
I was horrified to discover three mistakes that ALL trainers (including myself!) were making at the time. And that most still CONTINUE to make today.
Most shocking to me was that these mistakes weren’t only preventing people from getting the fat loss, the muscle toning and the health benefits they were after...
These same mistakes were – and still are to this day – actually causing the exact OPPOSITE effects: Cravings. Weight GAIN. LOSS of muscle tone. As well as fatigue, mood problems, sleep disruptions, and injuries.
OK, prepare to be shocked, because here’s what I discovered…
Mistake #1 – The “Terrible Too’s”
The first big mistake is what I call the “terrible too’s”…
People exercising TOO long, TOO hard, or TOO frequently.
This idea that more is always better can really BACKFIRE, causing you to GAIN fat instead of lose it. It can trigger excessive cravings and hunger, forcing you to want to eat just about everything in sight.
Maybe you’ve had that experience, like after a long run or an intense spin class, you find yourself dying for a pizza, a bagel, or a huge plate of fries?
The worst part is that those extra calories tend to show up in the WORST places, like your belly and your thighs.
What's more, exercise is a stress. And too much exercise can lead to too much stress, which can literally wear down your body...
And cause some of the same things we fear about aging -- like wrinkled skin, low energy, a depleted brain and a weak heart.
As if THAT weren’t bad enough, too much pumping and sweating can cause an overload of the stress and aging hormone cortisol…
Causing you to lose muscle from your upper body and store fat in your lower body, especially on your stomach….
Making men look like bloated apples and women look like swollen pears.
Not exactly what you may be spending all those hours on a treadmill to achieve!
On the other hand, the program of intelligent exercise I’m going to tell you about Will NOT trigger cravings or hunger.
(In fact, this type of intelligent exercise actually DECREASES levels of ghrelin, the hormone that tells your brain that you’re hungry.1)
It will not trigger excess cortisol.
And it also generates youth-enhancing antioxidants that PROTECT you against those damaging, age-accelerating free radicals.2
Just look at Vanessa and how much younger she looks after just 9 weeks of intelligent exercise.
- LOST 30 lbs.
- LOST 30 Ins.*
"By the end of 9 weeks I lost 30 lbs and 30 inches. I have more energy, and feel so much better about myself and I love how I look." - Vanessa K.
Mistake #2 – Too Narrow of a Focus
The second big mistake I found myself and others making is this: Focusing on only a single type of exercise in each workout.
In other words, doing cardio on one day to burn fat, and then doing resistance training on another to tone muscle.
While that can be effective, the reality is that it also consumes a HUGE amount of time.
And taking too much time is the #1 reason most people don't stick to a workout routine.
Fortunately, my clinical experience proves that when you do cardio and resistance TOGETHER, it both saves you valuable time AND gets you the results you are looking for…
Because it unleashes a tsunami of youth-enhancing hormones, muscle-stimulating molecules and inflammation-fighting compounds.
In fact, a fantastic 2008 study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research3 really dramatizes how powerful the results can be when you COMBINE fat burning and muscle toning exercises.
The study subjects were separated into two groups. One did cardio and strength separately. The other did both at the same time.
Now get this: Those who did both at the same time -- like the way it’s done in the intelligent exercise program I’m going to tell you about -- burned 418% more fat and toned 83% more lean muscle than those who did them separately!
Now this concept alone is HUGE.
Mistake #3 – Ignoring POST-Workout Calorie Burn
But there’s still one more mistake. And it’s a doozy!
It's the idea that burning up the most calories possible in your workout is the key to fat loss.
The more you pump, the more you sweat, the more you spin, the more calories you'll burn.
Look, I admit it, like many others, I, too, used to focus ONLY on how many calories were burned during the workout.
It's a very seductively simple idea – burn more calories and you'll lose weight.
But it’s a BIG mistake!
Because contrary to what most people think, exercise doesn’t just burn calories during the workout itself. In fact, that may be the LEAST important thing it does.
If done “intelligently,” as I’ll show you in just a minute, a workout can stimulate your body to release a flood of hormones that tell your metabolism to keep on burning fat for up to 48 hours afterward…
While you’re unwinding in front of the TV… while you’re at work… and even while you’re sleeping.
It's like your body is exercising for you while you go about your normal day!
But you ONLY get this metabolism-stimulating effect if you exercise the right way, at the right frequency… with the right intensity… for the right length of time.
Get any of this wrong, and that can cause your metabolism to fight back, blocking fat loss and encouraging fat gain instead.
The CRUCIAL Lesson I Learned from These Mistakes...
Realizing these three things was a major turning point in my career as a personal trainer.
I finally understood…
- That workouts didn’t need to be – indeed SHOULDN’T be – so long and so hard.
- That workouts should focus on cardio, resistance and physical conditioning all at once for maximum fat burning, muscle toning and age-fighting benefits.
- And that, if done right, you can continue to enjoy these body-transforming benefits for days after your workout is over.
That’s when I set about to devise an “intelligent” workout that did all these things in one over-before-you-know-it session.
It wasn’t easy. The process involved a good deal of trial and error. I made a few mistakes along the way. And some things I tried worked out better than others. Some a LOT better.
Until finally, I developed a workout that was quick… and efficient…and triggered a powerful cascade of hormones that burned unwanted fat, toned flabby muscles and fought aging LONG after the workout was over.
But I had to make sure it was safe for ANYONE to do. That's important because I see clients of all ages and fitness levels.
So what I was devising had to be flexible enough to work for everyone. In short, it’s a workout that works you SMARTER. Not harder. And definitely not longer.
Once I had the system nailed down, I tried it out on myself and some colleagues…
Then I incorporated it into my practice with my clients.
The Results Were Nothing Short of Astonishing...
The success rate of my clients skyrocketed to 80%. In other words, 8 out of 10 of my clients were now achieving their fat loss and health goals!
But that still wasn’t enough! Because frankly, I'm kind of a perfectionist. That remaining 20% who weren't getting the results they were looking for REALLY bothered me.
So I had to ask myself, why wasn’t this new system working for them?
That’s when the solution dropped right into my lap – thanks to my most BAFFLING client ever!
Why Claudia Was So FRUSTRATING...
I'm talking about Claudia – a private client of mine. When we first started working together…she was SO frustrating!
Don’t get me wrong. She was loving her slimmer figure, tighter skin and toned muscles.
She appreciated that the workouts I had devised for her had so quickly produced the results she was looking for.
But here's what was driving me nuts: she was taking breaks ALL the time!
I thought she was just slacking off, not pushing herself hard enough. And yet – she was still achieving INCREDIBLE results. I was truly perplexed.
So one day, on a hunch, I decided to monitor her heart rate. And what I found SHOCKED me.
She was actually pushing herself harder than ANY of my other clients! How was this possible?
Suddenly, it hit me like ton of bricks: Claudia’s results were beating the pants off my other clients precisely BECAUSE of how much she was resting. Not in spite of it.
Claudia’s Surprising Secret: She RESTED!
You see, by resting whenever she felt like it, Claudia was able to recover JUST enough, to be able to push herself to the point where real metabolic change happens:
The “Anaerobic Threshold.”
And that’s critical because reaching that point sparks a “metabolic aftershock” that floods your cells with powerful hormones and other metabolic compounds.
They boost your metabolism, torch fat, shape and tone muscle and activate your body’s own youth-enhancing programs.
This was a real “eureka” moment for me.
I realized that I and other trainers had been assuming everyone had the same fitness level… the same ability to push… and the same ability to recover... and the same metabolic type.
That’s a BIG error, of course!
So instead of prescribing the same one-size-fits-all solution for EVERYONE, I began ENCOURAGING PEOPLE TO REST WHEN THEY NEED TO.
This stunning discovery led me to develop what I call Rest-Based Training -- a unique combination of intelligent, super-short 15-minute workouts, combined with individualized rest…
That works for virtually EVERYONE, young or old, man or woman, in shape or not.
It is even works if you have an injury or chronic health condition that may affect your ability to exercise.
(With your doctor’s approval, of course.)
This is what makes my program different from every other type of exercise out there…
Even from the latest craze: High intensity interval training…
Which can really do some damage to your body (and your metabolism) if you’re not careful.
Instead, by using rest STRATEGICALLY and allowing you to rest whenever you need to…
You can automatically customize your workout to your own individual metabolic type and fitness level.
This allows you – just like Claudia did – to consistently push past your “Anaerobic Threshold”…
And trigger a “metabolic aftershock” that ignites a metabolic fire so white hot…
It rages for up to 48 hours after your workout…
Burning fat, shaping muscle and turning back the clock like nothing you've ever experienced!
Thousands of Clients and Patients Later…
Fast forward to today and over the years I’ve now used this program with tens of thousands of fitness clients and weight loss patients with remarkable success.
Here are just a few examples:
- LOST 16 lbs.
- LOST 5 Ins.*
"Wow! I went from a size 34 with my gut hanging down to a size 31... Haven’t worn a 31 since my high school graduation in 1977." - Anthony A.
- LOST 16 lbs.
- LOST 20 Ins.*
"I’m 52 years old and I can see the beginning of my abs. Just 9-weeks and already I’ve lost 16 lbs and 20 inches." - Kimberly S.
Rest-Based Training has worked so well that I’ve become known as one of the most successful fitness trainers in the country.
People come from all over the world to work on this program under my supervision here at my metabolic clinic in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Many fellow TRAINERS come as well – because they also want to know how to get the most results in the least amount of time for their clients.
But for the past few years, the demand and the need for this training has become so great, that I either needed to clone myself…
Or find another way to get this powerful training to everyone who needs it – especially those unable to travel here to Winston-Salem.
So I set about to create a do-it-yourself, at-home training program that includes my very BEST intelligent metabolic techniques and rest-based workouts.
I was determined to make sure everyone who needed to transform their body and re-capture the energy and happiness of their youth, wwuld be able to achieve those results…
Just as my personal clients are able to.
And that’s how Metabolic Aftershock was born.
Now ANYONE Can Get This Super-Efficient Training...
Metabolic Aftershock has helped over 50,000 people burn fat, tone and tighten their muscles, and regain control of their health…
More easily, simply and quickly than many of them ever thought possible.
And here’s why: Metabolic Aftershock is the only intelligent exercise program that customizes and modifies itself to YOU.
It does this by taking into account your own unique metabolism and your capacity for exercise through Rest-Based Training.
That allows YOU to determine when, how often, and how long you rest.
Because adequate rest is what allows you to push hard enough to break through the anaerobic threshold.
And that's the key to unleashing the 48-hour flood of fat burning, age-fighting hormones that achieve the body-transforming results you want.
And best of all, it gets these results in a shockingly short amount of time.
It’s Just 15 Minutes, 3 Times a Week!
Each exercise takes just 45 SECONDS. An entire workout, just 15 MINUTES. And you only work out 3 times a WEEK.
I mean, who doesn't have 15 minutes, 3 times a week?! Amazing, isn’t it?
Now, if you’re wondering: What else do I need to take advantage of Metabolic Aftershock?
The answer is: Absolutely NOTHING!
What You DON'T Need
- A lot of time
- A lot of money
- A personal trainer
- A gym membership
- Any equipment
You WON’T need to travel to a gym which can be inconvenient at best and embarrassing at worst!
In fact, you won’t need any equipment whatsoever – not even weights.
Because the ONLY thing Metabolic Aftershock uses is your bodyweight.
Which means you can do these movements in a very small space whenever and wherever you have 15 minutes to spare…
In your home, at the office, or even while you’re traveling. That’s convenience at its best!
But now, let’s take a closer look at exactly what you get in return for just 15 minutes, 3 times a week.
Burn 67% More Calories...
How does 67% more TOTAL calories burned sound?
Well, that's what a 2005 study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found when comparing intelligent metabolic workouts to traditional workouts.4
As you can see from the blue part of this chart…
All that endless huffing and puffing from a regular, long and tedious workout burns more calories DURING the workout itself than an intelligent metabolic workout does…
But check out the part in green – that's how many EXTRA calories you burn AFTER each type of workout is over…
While you’re relaxing, watching TV, and even while you’re sleeping!
The intelligent metabolic workout burns 510% MORE calories after the workout is over – and 67% more calories overall.
While it tones and shapes muscles up to 82% better – almost twice as effectively!5
But the best part is that the intelligent metabolic workout is knocked out in 90% LESS time than that traditional long boring workout!
That’s a mere one-tenth of the time. One minute for every ten you would normally spend.
Which leaves a ton more time for you to do the things you love, like spending more quality time with your family, or just relaxing and unplugging from the hectic lives we all lead.
I know that kind of ongoing fat-burning may seem incredible.
But it’s possible – because Metabolic Aftershock can boost your metabolism – and KEEP it working for you – for up to 48 hours after your workout.
But What About AFTER Those 48 Hours?
Get Ready for More Good News!
You will also become a better and better fat burner over time.
That's because studies show that Aftershock-style workouts can multiply the number of fat-devouring factories, called mitochondria, that your muscles contain.6
Which means your newly shaped and toned muscles will burn a lot more fat than your former flabby ones did.
Best of all, the fat will disappear from all the RIGHT places – the places you WANT it gone from…and your reshaped body will be more attractive.
For women, that means a trimmer, sexier, hourglass shape like Kate enjoyed:
- LOST 11 lbs.
- LOST 9 Ins.*
"My face is WAY thinner. The whole roundness that use to be there...GONE! I lost 11 pounds and 9 inches off my body!" - Kate K.
For men, it means a more powerful V-shape, with a broader chest and back, and a noticeably narrower waist like Anthony enjoyed:
- LOST 16 lbs.
- LOST 5 Ins.*
"Wow! I went from a size 34 with my gut hanging down to a size 31... Haven’t worn a 31 since my high school graduation in 1977." - Anthony A.
You’ll Look Younger – and BE Healthier!!
But Metabolic Aftershock does so much more than just transform your body shape.
It also helps give you a makeover from the inside out.
How? By literally flooding your cells with a powerful cocktail of youth-enhancing hormones…
Helping you look and feel like your energized, normal, sexy younger self again.
It also helps combat inflammation7 and oxidative stress8 -- two of the major causes of health problems that lead to accelerated aging, as well as heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer and chronic pain.
But it gets even better.
- These intelligent workouts can also strengthen your heart in ways that protect you against heart attacks – and do it TWO TIMES better than regular exercise.9
- They can also help raise your good cholesterol and improve life-giving blood flow.10
- They can even lower your blood pressure significantly!11
Your brain will thank you as well because these exercises can stimulate your body’s own production of BDNF, which is like Miracle-Gro® for your brain!
This amazing compound protects, increases the growth of, and actually strengthens the connections between certain brain cells12, leading to improved focus, memory and learning.13
And People LOVE the Way
Metabolic Aftershock Makes Them Feel...
Men rave about the surge in testosterone14, which not only builds muscle, but gets your sex drive out of the doldrums and improves sexual performance.
Surprisingly, traditional long exhausting workouts can actually DECREASE testosterone by 25%!15
- LOST 9 lbs.
- LOST 11 Ins.*
"There's no way that's possible in 9 weeks! But Metabolic AftershockTM took me from feeling mediocre to feeling like an athlete again." - Jonathan W.
And women (as well as men) love the rush of human growth hormone – also known as “HGH.”
This is the superstar “fountain of youth” hormone that movie stars crave. They pay big bucks to endure risky, painful injections of it.
But an intelligent metabolic workout can safely and naturally increase your levels of HGH by almost 4 times over.16
This tightens your skin, tones up your muscles, strengthens your bones, boosts your energy, and gives you a better feeling of well-being by relieving feelings of stress and anxiety.17
- LOST 6 lbs.
- LOST 9 Ins.*
"That was really bad, and this is like, hot! This is the best I've felt... and I'm a couple weeks shy of 51!" - Heidi R.
Wouldn’t it be nice to experience THAT again?
No Time to Workout? No Problem...
Here’s the thing to remember: In spite of all these incredible benefits, each movement in the Intelligent Exercise program is only 45 seconds.
That enables you to push harder, cross that magical metabolic threshold, and really start shredding that unwanted fat.
What’s more, since the entire workout takes just 15 minutes a day, just 3 days a week, it’s over before you know it.
Plus you'll never do the same workout twice in a row – each one is varied and fun.
And don’t forget: You get to rest whenever you want – for as long as you need! This is really something ANYBODY can do.
The Verdict Is In: They’re Loving It!
No wonder so many people tell me that they’re actually ENJOYING exercising again.
Or, in some cases, actually enjoying it for the first time EVER... and even looking forward to their next workout.
- LOST 66 lbs.
- LOST 43 Ins.*
"I’m consistently shrinking... So far I’ve lost a total of 66 lbs and 43” around my entire body. I absolutely LOVE Metabolic AftershockTM." - Holly C.
- LOST 11 lbs.
- LOST 11 Ins.*
"Whoa! There's definition, I'm smaller, I look sexy! I lost 11 pounds. I was a little skeptical at first, but 5 minutes in, I was realizing, wow!" - Rico A.
- LOST 107 lbs.
"9 months and 107.5 lbs are gone. I have more energy, I have muscle, and I have more confidence. LOVE this program!" - Suzanne H.
If Metabolic Aftershock sounds like something that could help you finally reach your fat loss, body shaping and health and fitness goals…
I’ve got some extremely good news for you. Right here. Right now.
A Risk-Free Way to See if This Works for You Too...
If you’re like most people I’ve worked with, you’ve probably tried different exercise programs in the past. And they have probably failed you miserably.
I totally understand your frustration… I see it all the time in the eyes of my clients when they first come to me.
They appear despondent and unable to believe that anything will work for them. And you’re certainly right to be skeptical as well.
So what I want to do for you is this:
Because you’ve taken the time today to find out your Metabolic Type and your #1 Metabolic Killer…
And because Metabolic Aftershock was developed specifically to help people with your type of metabolic challenges…
I’ve arranged with my publisher for you to take my Metabolic Aftershock program for a no-risk “try it and see” test drive.
I’m doing this because test-driving the program BEFORE you decide if you want to keep it is the best way I know for you to experience for yourself how well these individualized workouts…
Customized to your metabolic type and fitness level by putting YOU in control…will work for you. Even if nothing else has.
Metabolic Aftershock’s 3 Phases of Fat Burning...
In a moment, I’m going to show you exactly how to get your 100% risk-free copy of Metabolic Aftershock in just a moment…
So you can get everything you need to stimulate your metabolism and finally get it working FOR you – instead of AGAINST you.
And I’ll be with you every step of the way on three professionally produced exercise videos that will cover all three phases of Metabolic Aftershock…
Three phases that will systematically wake up, overhaul and optimize your metabolism.
This is the same special sequence of movements I have developed at my clinic – and that have worked for thousands of people I’ve personally trained.
They help get – and KEEP – you motivated by constantly changing the workouts as you progress, keeping it fun and interesting.
Here’s a quick rundown…
Phase 1: Create the Spark – In the first video, I’ll walk you through Phase 1 as we “Create the Spark.”
This is where you and I will reawaken your sleeping metabolism – we’ll upgrade your metabolic spark plugs to bring your fat burning engine back to life…
While we also improve your coordination and balance.
Phase 2: Light the Fire – On the next video, we’ll move to Phase 2 and we’ll “Light the Fire” together.
These full body movements will turn your metabolic heat up to “high” – and crank up your fat burning potential to the next level…
And this time, we’ll do it with a special emphasis on toning, tightening and shaping muscle.
As you know, keeping muscles in shape is something that – for many – gets harder and harder to do as you age. Let’s make sure that isn’t the case for you!
Phase 3: Fan the Flames – Finally, in video number three, Phase 3, you and I will “Fan the Flames.”
Here we’ll pour gasoline on the fire we started in Phase 2.
Phase 3 is where you really get to see and feel results as your pants start getting looser, new outlines of your muscles start appearing, and your mind begins to feel sharper and more focused.
That’s why I just love this phase! It generates so much heat, sweat and calorie burn that many people tell me they can see the difference the NEXT day.
Train with Me for a Small Fraction
of What Others Have Paid
Now if you’re like most people, you’re probably wondering what it takes to get access to this kind of specialized program.
Well first, let me tell you that people from around the world come to work with me personally for as much as $6,000 for a few months of training…
Not including airfare, hotel, and meals. And consider this: What is it costing you to NOT have access to this program?
The average person spends close to $8,000 a year just on medical costs.
But how much of that will YOU be able to put back in your pocket, when you’re healthier, get sick less often.
And no longer need to shell out for doctors and hospital visits, and all those expensive, side-effect-laden drugs?
Heck, when you consider all that, even if Metabolic Aftershock cost hundreds of dollars, it would still be worth many times that.
But you won’t have to spend hundreds of dollars. You won’t even have to spend one hundred dollars.
Because while the REGULAR price of Metabolic Aftershock is only $97, since I know that you’re serious, and because you’ve taken the time to find out your Metabolic Type and your #1 Metabolic killer…
I want to reward your commitment by giving you the opportunity to try Metabolic Aftershock for the LOWEST price possible.
You can see just how incredible this bargain is that I’m offering you today in the section below. But I want to sweeten the deal for you a bit further...
$111 in EXTRA Bonus Gifts!
Because I want saying “yes” to Metabolic Aftershock to be the EASIEST decision you’ve ever made, here’s what else I’d like to do:
When you request your copy of Metabolic Aftershock right now, right here on this page, I’ll send you 3 FREE gifts along with your program.
These gifts will help jumpstart your efforts, so you can start stripping away that excess fat and unleashing those youth-enhancing compounds as quickly and easily as possible.
Your first FREE gift is the Rapid Results Quick Start Guide.
It's a "Cliff’s Notes" tutorial that shows you how to get started torching fat, shaping muscle and fighting aging in 5 minutes or less.
You’ll love it if you’re the type of person who likes to get started and start seeing results QUICKLY.
This is also perfect if you are pressed for time, hate to read and just want to get to the "good stuff".
Your second free gift is my Anti-Aging Secrets Interview.
If you want to look and feel younger, you’ll want to pay special attention to what I reveal in this interview.
For example, you’ll discover how Metabolic Aftershock can turn a notorious inflammation-CAUSING molecule into a powerful inflammation FIGHTER.
For women, I’ll reveal how you, too, can have softer, baby-fresh skin, stronger bones, and hair and nails that grow strong and healthy.
And guys: We’ll roll back the clock as I show you how to pack on lean muscle mass, igniting your libido, and boosting your mood and motivation.
Your third FREE gift is the Step-by-Step Body Transformation Handbook.
It will show you how to perform the special "intelligent" movements correctly.
And that’s crucial to generating THE biggest metabolic aftershock possible…
So you’re sure to keep burning fat, toning muscle and fighting aging for up to 48 hours after your workout is over.
It also includes some important tips for multiplying the program's effectiveness to the max.
Like the four simple major biofeedback signals to watch for that verify whether or not you’ve broken through the anaerobic threshold…
Which is crucial to achieving your ultimate fat burning capacity after your workout.
Plus, I’ll show you a state-of-the-art technique called “vascular occlusion” that floods your body with powerful metabolic molecules called myokines…
That FURTHER enhance your ability to burn fat, and send even more youth-enhancing hormones to improve the way you look and feel.
Add these three bonuses together and that’s a total value of $111!
But today, they are all yours – FREE – just for giving my Metabolic Aftershock program a try.
Get Started Just Seconds from Now!
Now I think you are REALLY going to like this part, especially if you’re like me and you hate to wait for anything.
I suspect you are like most of my clients who want to get started with Metabolic Aftershock as quickly as possible…
So you’ll see in the order area below that I’ve made special arrangements for you to receive an online digital version of everything in Metabolic Aftershock that you can access IMMEDIATELY.
That way, you can be on your way to that brand new you just minutes from now with
- The three phases of workouts: Create the Spark, Light the Fire and Fan the Flames
- The Anti-Aging Secrets Interview
- The Rapid Results Quick Start Guide
- And the Step-by-Step Body Transformation Handbook
PLUS, you have the option to ALSO receive a printed version of the program – including a complete set of DVDs.
So all it takes to get started immediately with your no-risk test-drive of Metabolic Aftershock for the VERY special price you in the next section is for you to request your copy right now.
There’s Just One Small Catch...
All I ask in return for such a substantial discount is one thing.
After you go through the Metabolic Aftershock program for yourself, I would like you to promise that you’ll share your results with me.
When you do, please be sure to include both your Metabolic Type and #1 Metabolic Killer.
The reason I’m asking you to do this is because it will be a huge help to me in my research.
And I believe your success will help me motivate and inspire others and help them avoid years of grinding away at exercises that do them little or no good or even do them actual HARM…
That’s all extremely important to me.
So as my way of saying “thanks”, I’m giving you immediate access to my program at the lowest price my publisher will allow me to make it available for.
Triple-Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee
Even at this incredibly low price, I understand that it can sometimes be difficult to know for sure if something like this is right for you without first trying it out for yourself…
So here’s what I want to do.
I want to give you an opportunity to try the entire program for yourself – right now, absolutely risk-free BEFORE you even have to decide if you want to keep it or not.
As I’ve told you, the most important thing to me is RESULTS… and if you don’t GET results, I don’t want your money….
That’s why I insisted that my publisher allow me to include here my Personal 100% Risk-Free 90-Day Triple-Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee, which works like this:
Results Guarantee #1: YOU Can Do It...
Whether you’re a man, a woman, young, old, in great shape or out of shape, overweight, under-motivated or under-energized.
Even if a physical limitation such as an injury or chronic health condition may have prevented you from exercising as hard or as often as you might have wanted to in the past…
I promise that it will be easy to customize the Metabolic Aftershock program to your abilities and make it work for you.
Results Promise #2: You’ll See and Feel Results FAST...
And I mean visible results like tighter muscles, a leaner tummy, reduced “trouble spots” and healthier skin.
You’ll quickly FEEL these results as well: A surge in energy, a better mood, and sharper focus and concentration.
And don't forget the huge age-fighting benefits of healthier inflammation, blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Not to mention a stronger heart and stronger lungs as a bonus.
But don’t take my word on that. Get your blood tested BEFORE you begin the program, and then again in a month.
See if your doctor isn’t SHOCKED at your one-month progress. (And be sure and let me know the results!)
Results Promise #3: You’ll Get AND Stay Motivated... Because the exercises are constantly changing and enjoyable. Because they produce immediate results.
And because they go by so FAST and they can be done ANYWHERE.
You’ll surprise yourself when you stay with the program not through sheer willpower, but from the overwhelming feeling of satisfaction that comes when you finally find something that really works for you.
I give you my word here and now that unless I keep every one of these promises, unless you’re 100% satisfied in every way…
At any point in the next 90 days, I INSIST you let me know, so I can rush you a prompt, no-hard-feelings refund.
In fact, let me spell out for you EXACTLY how you would go about requesting your money back.
Simply call my customer service team at 800-316-8556, or email them at support@metabolicaftershock.com.
You will immediately receive a 100% no-questions-asked refund of every penny you paid for the course, less shipping & handling.
Customer service is super-easy to get hold of, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week… and I make sure they respond PROMPTLY and courteously to all inquiries and requests.
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Discount is Still Available
A Price Increase May Be Coming…
Now, I need to tell you something – and it may be important…
I honestly don’t know how long I can offer Metabolic Aftershock at this price.
This is a new product and the publisher has agreed to offer it far below the normal $97 price, for only so long.
I’m anticipating that soon we will have sold all the copies allowed at this special price.
That means that if you try to come back again – tomorrow, or even later today – it’s possible this offer may well be gone forever.
All I can say is that this special offer is only available right here, right now. Besides, there’s no need to delay another second, is there?
After all, you’re fully protected by my unprecedented Triple-Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee.
So it really is like simply taking the product out for a test drive.
Besides, every minute you delay is one more minute you’re heavier than you would like to be…
More out of shape than you would like to be…
And more vulnerable to pain, injury, sickness, disease and aging.
Look, we all know that stubborn, frustrating fat isn’t going to go away on its own. It will just continue to grow – and in all the worst places.
And those all-too-visible signs of aging aren’t going away on their own either. They’re only going to get worse.
But now you know the truth: This all really CAN be stopped. And even REVERSED.
Thanks to the power of intelligent rest-based exercise customized to your unique metabolism and fitness level.
I designed Metabolic Aftershock to be the most enjoyable way for you to get from where you are to where you want to be.
And it’s by far the QUICKEST and EASIEST way to do it.
Now it’s up to you to take the next step. Just go to the reply form below…And let me guide you on your journey to a new, more shapely, healthier, and fitter YOU.
Yours for Great Health and Fitness,
Jade Teta
Dr. Jade Teta, Integrative Physician
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Discount is Still Available
P.S. I just wouldn’t feel right if I hadn’t done EVERYTHING I could to get you to give Metabolic Aftershock a try.
If you’ve stayed with me this long, I KNOW you’re really serious about losing that fat and toning and shaping those muscles.
So if you order right now, I want to send you a FREE copy of a very special bonus workout: My Fat-Torching Burnout Sessions.
This workout is for you if you’re ready to put in the extra effort that will enable you to burn fat and improve your body shape even faster.
It will trigger what I call your “gas pedal” hormones. These are special “starter” hormones that trigger a flood of youth-enhancing compounds that fan out to upgrade, repair and get the absolute most out of both your body and your brain.
It can be yours today – along with everything else I’ve talked about…the Metabolic Aftershock program and the 3 other FREE gifts…but only if you act RIGHT NOW.
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Discount is Still Available